Your Slip and Fall Injury Lawyer Throughout Los Angeles County
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Minor to serious injuries can be sustained from a fall accident, and the aftermath can be overwhelming and distressing depending on the severity of the fall.
A person might suffer heartbreaking hip fractures and sprained wrists from a fall. At its most horrifying, falling/dropping/crashing-type accidents on hard surfaces can cause traumatic brain injuries and, in the most tragic circumstances, sometimes even lead to death.
If you are a victim and have suffered some level of injury after slipping or tripping on a preventable object or surface, The Reeves Law Group in Los Angeles is ready to represent you in your pursuit of justice. You can expect nothing less than compassionate service and unmatched dedication.
Contact us through our secure and confidential form or call (213) 271-9318 for a free consultation. Our compassionate and friendly legal experts are always on the line to help.
Call (800) 644-8000
For a Free Consultation
Why work with us?
Our law firm has recovered over $250,000,000 in verdicts and settlements and a significant portion of that has gone to slip & fall victims. Contact us today or call (800) 644-8000 for a free consultation.
- Newsweek’s 10 Best Personal Injury Attorneys
- No Fee Guarantee – No Fees Unless We Win

If you need legal advice from an experienced slip and fall attorney or need to file an injury claim, contact The Reeves Law Group. We are located in Downtown LA and have meeting locations throughout Southern California, for your convenience.
The Reeves Law Group
1055 W 7th St #3333
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 271-9318
A Review of The Reeves Law Group
“The Reeves Law Group came to my defense after my accident in Los Angeles. The team was were really good. Everyone was really compassionate and relatable. This was a serious injury and this is the team you need on your side. I highly recommend The Reeves Law Group.”
Cherilyn Clark via Google
Date published: 03-24-2022
How Can we help you?
At The Reeves Law Group, we know how devastating falling and tumbling accidents can be. Our personal injury law firm and slip/trip and fall legal specialists have specialized in premises liability law for over three decades and understand that an injury of this type can lead to lasting pain, expensive medical bills, and financial hardships due to lost wages.
Our team is passionate about helping victims who’ve fallen recover from accidents as quickly as possible.
We know that an accident can happen when we least expect it. That’s why we offer a free consultation to you at any time, night or day if you need to speak to a specialized accident attorney.
Whether through settlement discussions over your fall claim or litigation, our team will dedicate all necessary resources and time to your cause.
Can you afford our services? Yes! Our plaintiff’s law firm offers free contingency fee (meaning no fee until you win) counsel on legal rights and responsibilities associated with slip/trip and fall accidents that result in injuries or even death.
A specialist accident lawyer like us will help guide you through your slip and fall claim, handle communications with the insurance company, and provide expert legal representation if a lawsuit is pursued.
The Reeves Law Group is a law firm specializing in cases involving serious and catastrophic injuries. Our law firm boasts of a successful team committed to personal attention, fast action, and aggressive representation. Our caring and diligent approach has allowed our firm to recover maximum compensation in million and multi-million dollar verdicts for fall victims.
What is Slipping and Falling entail?
Accidents that cause slipping and falling injuries, also known as trip and fall, happen when someone falls to the ground and is hurt because of unsafe conditions on someone else’s property. These injuries come under the area of law called “personal injury” and they are typically handled by premises liability attorneys.
Personal injury law is a legal process that deals with the harm that people suffer due to the carelessness of another party. These types of accidents can be caused directly or indirectly by a victim’s interaction with the dangerous environment.
An example of a direct causevis a liquid that is spilled on a floor that causes someone to lose his or her balance and be hurt. In a store, our attention is drawn to merchandise on the shelves so our attention isn’t always focused on the ground we’re walking on.
Other direct causes include some substance or material that affects a person’s ability to walk safely. This includes poorly maintained floors, cracked or uneven sidewalks, or objects left in a hallway, like a child’s toy.
An indirect cause of slipping and tumbling to the ground is the environment that plays a factor in someone slipping and falling. Indirect causes include poorly lit walkways with inadequate lighting, areas that have alternating areas of low light and strong light, and missing or broken handrails.
Types of Accidents
Slip and fall cases can be difficult to prove because it can be hard to show who was liable for the injury. A premises liability claim is based on determining whether the property owner owed a duty of care to the victim in keeping the premises safe and whether that duty was breached by failing to provide a safe environment. Most of these cases turn on whether someone acted negligently.
To prove negligence on the part of the property owner and hold them legally responsible for the fall, your personal injury attorneys must show that you suffered injuries caused by a hazardous condition on public or private property and that the owner knew or should have known about.
The defendant has a legal obligation to maintain their property free of unsafe conditions, which can be defined as an unreasonable risk to the visitors that they should not have foreseen. An experienced personal injury attorney will know how to review the evidence for these elements and put together the strongest possible case for compensation.
Slip and fall injuries can happen in many different places. The three most common places are commercial, residential, and government properties.
Commercial Property: A store owner, property manager, building owner, business owner, or employee of a business such as hotels, office buildings, or a big-box store may be responsible for a premises accident when one of these circumstances is met:
- They created an unsafe environment that caused the victim to slip, trip, and fall.
- They knew about the hazardous condition but the property owner failed to fix the problem.
- They should have known about the unsafe environment and had it fixed because a reasonable person would have found out about the dangerous circumstances and repaired it before someone could get hurt.
Residential Property: Whether a fall occurred in an apartment building or at a residential care facility, sometimes property owners or landlords have to compensate tenants, residents, or visitors to the property when someone is hurt in an accident. For this to happen, the following circumstances must be met.
- The property owner or landlord knew or should have known about the unsafe condition.
- The property owner or landlord could have repaired the condition
- It was foreseeable that a serious accident would happen if the condition wasn’t repaired.
- Because the property owner or landlord didn’t fix the condition, the victim slipped and fell.
Government Property: Accidents that happen on property owned by the government raise separate issues that a knowledgeable trial lawyer will be able to address. Some of these issues include statutory laws, complicated rules on filing a claim, and what qualifies as a branch of government or affiliated organization.
Where Do Most Common Slip And Fall Injuries Occur?
Accidents involving falling can happen anywhere and at any time, whether at shopping centers, amusement parks, office buildings, parking lots, grocery store aisles, or even in hospitals. Basically, any factor that causes someone to lose his or her footing and fall down can be a dangerous, sometimes deadly, condition.
The following is a partial list of where falls can happen:
- In homes and businesses
- Indoors and outside
- On mechanical transporters like elevators and escalators
- On walkways, sidewalks, and parking lots
- On concrete, carpet, tile, and linoleum
- During bad weather when rain, sleet, or snow make surfaces slippery
- When other conditions make it dangerous to walk, for example when walkways don’t have proper light, concealing a dangerous condition
When the conditions are ripe for taking a spill, a range of serious injuries can occur, like:
- Sprained ligaments
- Strained muscles or tendons
- Broken bones
- Paralysis
- Head and brain injuries
- Other soft tissue injuries
- Bulging discs and pinched nerves
- Loss of life
Types of Damages
Injuries from falls can occur with and without warning. Whether there are warning signs or not, accidents can happen when you least expect them. Injuries suffered from a serious accident can leave you with expenses from property damages to future medical expenses.
Here are just a few examples of the types of damages you can expect from your slip and fall case:
- Medical Bills
- Lost Wages and Earning Capacity
- Pain and Suffering
- Punitive Damages
Settlements in LA County and California
Many times, a slip & fall case won’t go to trial because the defendant will want to settle the case earlier. This is especially true when you have an experienced trial lawyer on your side. There are steps that you can take right after the incident that will help your accident attorney put together the most compelling case for maximum compensation.
- Note whether the accident occurred at someone’s residence or at a business.
- Write down the details of the accident. What caused the accident? Poor lighting? Wet floors? Bad weather conditions? An object placed on the floor that didn’t belong there?
- Take photos of where the accident happened and try to capture images of what you think caused the accident to happen. It is important to document the cause of the accident before the property owner has a chance to fix it.
- Inform the property owner of the accident. If you were hurt at a business, ask the owner or manager to write up an accident report and ask for a copy of this report. Make sure to share this report with your attorney.
- Set aside the clothes you were wearing, including your shoes, so that the other side can’t place blame on these items. For instance, they could say that the soles of your shoes lacked proper tread to grip the floor.
- Write down the contact information of any witnesses as well as their impressions of the accident.
- Get medical attention and keep records of all doctor’s visits.
- Take photos of your injuries.
Who Is Responsible Typically?
Each year, thousands of people are hurt in slip and tumbling/falling accidents across LA and throughout California. These cases can be difficult for injured accident victims to determine the at-fault party responsible for the accident and injuries sustained. And it can be difficult to prove that the accident was entirely the property owner’s fault.
Sometimes, those who are hurt can be totally or partially responsible. However, since California is a pure comparative negligence state, a certain amount of damages can still be recovered even if the victim is partially at fault.
Other times, property owners or their employees are solely responsible. This is because it is their duty to keep the property reasonably clear of dangers that could injure visitors.
Accident attorneys that specialize in premises claims will see many different types of cases and can accurately assess responsibility in your lawsuit as it pertains to California law. Anyone can be a victim of falls at any place from malls, sports arenas, and swimming pool areas to gas stations and parking garages.
When property owners fail to take proper steps to keep their property safe is a key indicator of fault.
- A landowner has to take sensible steps to make their land safe for visitors. This is weighed against the injured victim’s behavior. Did the injured person do something that, in whole or in part, caused the accident? If your case goes to trial, your attorney will have to demonstrate that the business or residential property owner knew or should have known about the existence of the dangerous condition and didn’t remove the risk, thus causing you to be hurt.
- An example of a slip and fall case is when liquid, like milk or juice, is spilled on the floor of grocery stores. A customer, unaware of the spill, slips and gets hurt. Key questions about this type of accident are:
- 1. Why was the floor wet?
- 2. Was the slickness of the wet floor reasonable or not?
- 3. How long had the liquid been left on the floor?
- 4. Did the shop know about the spill? Did anyone attempt to clean it up or place signs warning customers about the spill?
When your trial lawyer successfully handles your case, you will be awarded “damages.” This is a financial award that is intended to measure the accident’s impact on your life. Damages in this category of claims vary depending on the seriousness of the victim’s injuries and include the accident’s actual financial impact as well as its non-financial effects.
contact Our Slip and Fall Accident LAW FIRM
Our slip and fall specialist firm with primary offices in Los Angeles will act quickly to collect important evidence before it’s lost, handle the insurance company on your behalf, and create a plan to get you maximum compensation, especially if you have serious injuries.
Our experienced accident and injury legal team knows exactly what it takes to successfully recover damages owed to you in a premises liability claim.
If you have been hurt in a slip-and-fall accident, contact us today, even if you think you have minor injuries. Our team is prepared to come to you whether you live throughout the city of Angels.
The Reeves Law Group in Los Angeles is ready to represent you in your pursuit of justice. You can expect nothing less than compassionate service and unmatched dedication.
Call (800) 644-8000 for a case review. We make home and hospital visits for our clients!
[Written by Derek Pakiz. Article updated on 01-22-2024]