Oxnard Personal Injury Attorneys
After an accident, when you find yourself injured and facing tough legal questions, it is in your best interests to get in touch with an Oxnard personal injury attorney as soon as possible.
You are going to need the benefit of a legal professional who specializes in personal injuries and accident cases. Our team at the Reeves Law Group realizes that each situation is unique and requires independent evaluation and consideration by an experienced attorney to develop the strongest case possible. An accident attorney with many years of experience will be able to formulate the best legal strategy that gets your case resolved quickly and successfully.
Suffering a personal injury can be a very challenging life event. Not only have you been hurt because of another person’s carelessness, but you may have to endure medical treatment for your injuries and take time off from work to get better. You might have to deal with damaged or destroyed personal property, like after a car accident.
Sometimes insurance companies become involved after the fact and offer you a settlement in exchange for not suing their client—the person who hurt you. But how are you to know what your injury is worth and if you are being offered a fair settlement? These kinds of pressures, especially when you are trying to heal after an accident, can be overwhelming.
Other Common Accidents and Injuries
What if Your Injury Leaves You Unable to Work?
Personal injuries can significantly impact a person’s life and have lasting effects. One of the more common consequences of a personal injury accident is that the victim is no longer able to work. This is particularly true when the victim holds a labor-intensive job. If you are no longer able to perform your job, you will need to be compensated for your loss and should consult with a personal injury attorney to better determine what your injury is worth.
What if You Will Need Life-Long Medical Care for your Injury?
In addition to medical expenses incurred for the treatment of immediate injuries, you might have personal injuries, such as burns and spinal cord damage that require life-long, recurrent medical treatment or surgeries. If your doctors believe that you will need to receive extended care, those future medical expenses need to be factored into your settlement offer.
If you are the victim of an accident due to the negligence of another, you will need to contact an Oxnard personal injury lawyer. You are likely entitled to compensation for your injuries and medical expenses, and you need someone who has a good understanding of the types of compensation you might be entitled to. It is highly likely that you are also owed compensation for any lost wages or time you needed to take off from work due to the accident.
Accident Statistics
No matter where you live, you can be the victim of someone else’s negligent behavior. In 2008, 63 people were killed and 3,785 were injured in Ventura County traffic accidents. Many of these accidents involved alcohol or drug use. Ventura County can be a dangerous place when people act irresponsibly and without regard for the safety of others.
For example, on August 29, 2008, a drunk driver struck and killed a jogger in Oak Park when he lost control of his car and veered off the road. The emergency rescue crew did not know that a jogger had been hit until they saw her shoes lying on the jogging path by the road. They eventually located and extricated her body from thick vegetation more than 30 feet away from her shoes.
A Review of The Reeves Law Group
![Five Star Rating](https://www.robertreeveslaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/five-star-rating-90.jpg)
Contact an Oxnard Personal Injury Attorney
Every accident case is unique and requires its own special evaluation by an experienced attorney. If you desire a case review free of cost by a specialized Oxnard personal injury lawyer, contact us.
Call (800) 644-8000 or contact us via our Quick Response page for a free and immediate case evaluation. For your convenience, we make home and hospital visits.
[Written by Derek Pakiz. Article updated on 2023-08-29]